Sunday, June 9, 2019

Define Spirituality using the Peer-Reviewed Article An Emerging Essay

Define church property using the Peer-Reviewed Article An Emerging Paradigm for the Investigation of Spirituality in Nursing by Pamela G. Reed - Essay ExampleIn this sapidity of connectedness, she was able to transcend the mundane dimensions of her ordinary life and transcend into a higher dimension, thereby elevating herself as an individual.Spirituality has been defined by some experts as engaging in four patterns of connectedness, intrapersonally - within oneself, or interpersonally - with others or fundamental interaction with the environment and lastly, transpersonally, or by relating with an unseen power God (Brewer 1979). In her response to Brewers views, the woman was able to confirm that she had also summate to the clinic seeking such a network of connectedness. She was able to interactbetter within herself, with the nurses at the clinic, with the environment of the care facility and also connect with God by praying with the nurses.The consequence of this feeling of con nectedness the woman tangle to other people and to God was that she felt healthier and experienced a feeling of well being and peace. The feeling of connectedness made her feel less alone, and therefore and whole. This is also the view expressed by Hungleman, who directly related the state of a persons human spirit to their state of health (Hungleman et al 1985). Therefore, one aspect of spirituality as revealed in the womans view and corroborated by Hunglemans views is the interconnection between spirituality and health and how one impacts positively upon the other.Newman (1989) has emphasized the importance of nurses praying with the patients (Shelley and Fish 1988) and allowing them to express their spirituality as a means to throw out their health and well being, reiterating the views of Hungleman that there is a positive relation between the human spirit and a persons health.. This woman, when questioned on this aspect, also responded that she felt soothed and happy by praying with the nurses, because she was able to ascend into a higher dimension through the feeling

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